Saturday, February 12, 2011

A bit about me and why I started this blog

I thought I would start out by giving a bit of an introduction about me and the motives behind this blog. My name is Monica and I am 30 years old.  I recently went to a seminar about stress that was offered through my work (YouTube) and I had an that I think I have had before and its this....When you focus so much on getting somewhere sometimes you forget to enjoy the journey.

I have spent the majority of my life in school...and for the last 6 years I have been working towards getting my PhD in Industrial Engineering. Overall it was a grueling process (captured ever so eloquently by Jorge Cham's PhD comic) . At the same time there were some really great moments. But a lot of these moments seem to have been lost because I was so focused on getting done, so focused on the details that I forgot to sometimes step back and enjoy the smaller things in life. It gets really easy to become bitter and upset when you forget all the good you have going on in your life.  

This epiphany has led to me trying to create this blog. I want to be an active explorer and documenter of my life rather than just have it pass me by. I want to make this blog about thing that I find interesting, things I appreciate, things that I can go back to and reflect on later. This is the first of many posts....this is the beginning to a life of appreciation.